Dear Elder Slavens

Dear Elder Slavens
Elder Trenton J Slavens
Thailand, Bangkok/Arizona, Gilbert/
Texas Houston East
Elder Dallin J Slavens Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Elder Chancellor J Slavens Idaho, Twin Falls

Sunday, October 4, 2015

But first, let me take a selfie

Once again, people. I am just going to write this email as the events happened, with no organization what so ever. Easily, it is the way this emailing thing was supposed to be. It's punctual. PUNCTUAL! 

So we have gone crazy hard in our area. Kampong Cham, man. It is where dreams are made. And Elder Hall is as cool as a segway. That is no over-exaggeration. 

But now I want to tell HOW we have gone hard. Literally, you wouldn't think that ACTUALLY trying to change people's lives on a mission is hard, but it really is, man! It is hard to look at these people we teach, and be like "I am going to do EVERYTHING I can do to help you be a better person." And that is what Elder Hall and I have done this week. We have one person who has been meeting with Missionaries for THREE YEARS and hasn't been baptized like his wife because he drinks literally every second of every day. He is so drunk. And 3 separate lessons with us, he has born solemn testimony that "Yorgash Shcmite" (how he says Joseph Smith) comes from 1.)Australia and then the next lesson he says that he was 2.)Italian and then he said that he would swear on his life that Joseph Smith is 3.) British. So he is super drunk. So Elder Hall and I are going to his house EVERY DAY to stop him from drinking. Today, after I finish emailing, I am going to hang out with a 40 year old drunk dude to help him be sober and change his life. And his wife is so excited. 

We have another investigator who I think I wrote about before who reads his scriptures every day and highlights everything and asks us questions every time we go to his house. Dude, I just can't believe how many investigators we have, people who REALLY want to learn about the church, and how amazing they all are! I can't even tell you all all of the stories I have! Just wait 2 years and I will tell you in person. 

Also I have a disaster I would like to report. Elder Hall and I were riding our bikes. And I was signing "I will follow him" to my maximum capacity. And i was getting so into it, that my foot slips from my bike pedal and flies right into Elder Hall's bike spokes as he is going full speed. So my foot just gets destroyed and Elder Hall flips over his bike and crashes to the floor, and it was one of the best crashes ever. 

So to finish my email, I would like to tell you the dream I had one week ago. A dream for man kind. A dream for destiny. I dreamed that I would name my email "but first, let me take a selfie"  and have a selfie for EVERY DAY of the week. So enjoy. The selfie song is so stuck in my head. Enjoy your lives. 

Live long and prosper 
Elder Doorhandle Slaveface

Monday. Not even a selfie. But did you even think to pray? 

Tuesday. We had district meeting. And if you watch the video on the link, 
you will see one of the elders in this circle eat something NASTY. 

​Wednesday. I went on an exchange with THE Elder Johnny Ros. He is number one. 
I never took more selfies than on that day. 

Thursday. I let Elder Hall be the one to take the selfie. 

Friday. I found one of those giant beetles that was on Animal Planet's: The Most Extreme. 

Saturday. Kids. 

Sunday. Headin home after a long days work. 

"for more selfie adventures, check out this sweet link" 

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