Dear Elder Slavens

Dear Elder Slavens
Elder Trenton J Slavens
Thailand, Bangkok/Arizona, Gilbert/
Texas Houston East
Elder Dallin J Slavens Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Elder Chancellor J Slavens Idaho, Twin Falls

Monday, April 13, 2020

But I believe Elder Slavens can save the World

"Good morning Starshine, the Earth says Hello" -Willy Wonka. 

This quote came in to my head as I was writing this email and I feel like it fit quite well. It is true the earth does say hello. That's all.

Well, I am just going to say it, this week was sooooo good. You know that schedule I showed you last week? Well wow, it was the best. We worked so hard and did so much work. We started to figure it out. We called and had lessons with so many members of the Church this week. My companion and I cover 3 wards so we have a lot of work to do. Some people just never answer us so that stinks, but we still had so many lessons. We shared a lot of messages about General Conference and how members have learned to Hear Him. While I still do not know what any of the people that I talked to look like, I could hear them and could really feel the Spirit. It was an amazing experience. We had the opportunity to teach my companion's older siblings for the 2nd time on Easter and we called my Uncle and his family in Phoenix to share a little spiritual thought with them. It is amazing how easy it is to just share a message. I suggest all of my fans to do this. You can just post your testimony or share a miracle from your life. It is the best, and you feel amazing afterwards.

Sundays are amazing in the mission field, and especially in quarantine. We are able to bless and pass our own sacrament then have a cute little "Come Follow Me" lesson. Each week we read over the lesson for the week and talk about what we learned and the insights we gained. Since I have been in quarantine I go hard on "Come Follow Me." I read and take notes galore throughout the week. It has truly blessed me and helped me learn more about the scriptures. As I learn more I can really apply them to my life and try to make myself better each and every day. We are so blessed to have "Come Follow Me" and be able to better read, study and learn about the Book of Mormon. Try to study and learn more about the Book of Mormon and yourself. Especially in this time of "Ahhh we are locked inside what should we do?" Read that blue book. 

Now this week a few fun and crazy things happened:

1. We went on a walk and we stopped at this little park near our house. We noticed there was a dead bird on the rocks. I cleverly said, "Ok let's give it a moment of silence and bury it." We proceeded to do so and I played the high school graduation song and put my phone in my pocket but it slipped out and hit the rocks and BOOM, it shattered. My phone and the bird both died that day. Now I have a constant reminder of the buried bird. Sad for many reasons. 

2. Well it was Easter this week. This was a great Holiday to have on a mission. We all could focus on Christ and the Atonement. It was amazing amazing amazing. 

3. My mommy sent me 4 cartons of confetti eggs so watch the video and you'll be happy. I said "Everyone get outside right now and stand in a circle. We are going to throw eggs at each other." It was the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life. I've never felt so alive. 

Besides that stuff we went on walks and just had an amazing week. I hope you did too. If you had a really good week email me back and just say "French toast" I will understand. French Toast is good and so was your week.

Well, the time has come to say my goodbyes. I hope you have another french toast week. Love you all. Stay away from that evil Corona. BYE BYE. 

Elder Slavens 
Elder Shred the Gnar
Elder Avatar Slavens

I love French toast and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

Ok, so Elder Slavens (aka me) was laying in bed then sat up and said, " I'm going to shave an arrow in my leg right now." As you can see I then shaved an arrow in my leg. You can call me Elder Avatar Slavens. Thanks.

Me and my cactus. Arizona is just one big spiky plant. If you come here you will see. 
All houses are made of cactus. Cactus cars and cactus dogs. Everything is cactus.

When you have fans who make you posters and leave them outside your house. Paparazzi?  No, stop that!  
I know I get a lot of followers on Facebook but I'm not that famous. 

I cut myself this week. I put my hand in a drawer pulled it out and I was bleeding. A piece of glass just snuck in there and sliced me up. Shucks I got Corona. If you are queasy and don't like blood don't look at this picture 
or become a doctor. 

The video to end all videos. The egg war to end all egg wars. We had fun but now the backyard is covered in egg shells and confetti. I won't complain. I love color parties on the floor.

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