Dear Elder Slavens

Dear Elder Slavens
Elder Trenton J Slavens
Thailand, Bangkok/Arizona, Gilbert/
Texas Houston East
Elder Dallin J Slavens Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Elder Chancellor J Slavens Idaho, Twin Falls

Monday, April 20, 2020

I miss Shia Lebauf

Let me just say, "What a week!". Let me say it again in all caps "WHAT A WEEK!". Thanks. 
It has been a very crazy week. Yes it has. So so many stories this week. It has been very good though. We were able to call a lot of members of the wards here and find a few new people to teach. Very cool opportunity to be serving right now. 

Let's start with some stories. So this week, per usual, I got many many friend requests. I was at 250 one day and it is just overwhelming. I let a lot of them follow me because I am like, "Well, I will just find people to teach. How else will I find them unless I am following them". Bad idea. I get sooooo many texts from random people all over the world that just say "hi". I am always in like 35 conversations with a ton of people and my phone is non stop ringing with friend requests and messages asking how old I am and such. Wild stuff. This week I got a random request for a message so I started talking to this lady but then she started calling me cute and stuff and I was like ok weird. I just kept asking if she wanted to learn about Jesus. She then asked my height and weight. I then asked if she wanted to learn about Joseph Smith. It did not work and I think she was a robot. Sad day that was. 

More stories. I found this kid on Facebook this week and his name is Nervin. He is the cutest kid ever. We have called him a few times and are teaching him about our beliefs and the Book of Mormon. He is my new best friend. He loves to text us and show us tons of pictures of his friends. We talked for an hour one time and maybe half of it was just him showing us pictures and telling us about the flute. I learned more than he did. This week I also met a girl named Mu Paw on Facebook. She is from Thailand but lives in Iowa I think and she has a friend named Hser. Somehow those 2, my companion and I got into a group chat and they just talk to us all day. They have sung to us and sent us so many selfies. Hser sang, “I am a Child of God” and said, "Please rate from 1 to 10". I said "We talked and decided you deserve a 12". She was very happy with our answer. Ok and final story. Elder Groesbeck my companion and I went on a run and we took maybe 4 steps out of our driveway when a crazy big dog ran at us and ran past my companion and just bit my leg. I was like "yeah that would only happen to me". It didn't really leave a mark but still, that dog bit me. 

Ok besides those many stories, this week was amazing. We were able to call many members and have some amazing lessons. I learned if we look at trials and burdens from God's perspective it truly changes everything. He has something for us to learn and wants us to have trials. We grow from hard times and can become better than we were when we started off.  Work through trials in a positive matter and look to Christ for help. 

Well that's about it. Hope you enjoyed the stories and remember to find the positives in your day. If you find what is good in the day, then guess what! You won't focus on the bad as much. It's crazy and simple but it's true. Look for the positives every single day. 

Ok stay safe and don't get Corona this week. Good work. Thank you. Have a good one. Oh, and I am also learning the guitar now so if anyone has guitar sheet music you want to send me I would not complain. Thanks. BYE BYE now. 

Elder Slavens
Elder Silverns


Hello, I like pizza and ginger ale. It's a good combo.

Alma 25:12 Read and enjoy

We went hiking today and it was very nice. I got sunburned but that's fine. It was worth it. 
We hiked 8 miles and I thought I was going to die but since you are reading this I am alive. 

I found a big cactus. I took a photo by the big cactus. You are now looking at this photo I took of me with a big cactus.

I am not good with dares. I was dared to eat 10 eggs so I ate 10 eggs. I actually enjoyed my 10 eggs very much.

This week we were told to make videos of our hobbies and this is what I came up with. 
I truly do enjoy cart wheels quite a lot. I hope you do too. They are fun.

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