Dear Elder Slavens

Dear Elder Slavens
Elder Trenton J Slavens
Thailand, Bangkok/Arizona, Gilbert/
Texas Houston East
Elder Dallin J Slavens Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Elder Chancellor J Slavens Idaho, Twin Falls

Monday, August 31, 2020

The Toad vs Frog debate I had with myself

Dear everyone reading, 

Hey. I am an Elder. I am a missionary. I am strong. I am independent. I love Popcorn. I love Spongebob. I am right handed. My legs are sore rn. sad. That's all for this week.

Ok kidding got you big time. 

This week was quite dandy but not tons happened. Last week I killed a bird this week a held a toad or a frog. Ok I just learned it was a toad cause toads like the land and frogs like the water. Good to know. I love biology I guess. 

So we are still able to go to members houses. We ate at a few members houses and shared cute little messages. It was pretty exciting stuff. I like teaching in person but not gonna lie it's weird. You have to make eye contact and stuff. Looking at the phone was so easy. Dang my life is so hard. Eye contact jeez. But it has been an amazing opportunity to better meet people and get out of the house. 

We got to go to church for the 2nd week in a row. It was not normal we got another bishopric so that was really cool. 1 person walked up to us and said, "Do you want to teach my girlfriend about the gospel?" We were like, "Umm yeah sure, we are down." So that was a little miracle. Excited for that. 

Finally,  I got some big news today. My companion is leaving today, so I am probably getting a new companion and there is an Elder in our ward that just finished his mtc learning and is going to come and hang out with us and learn how to be a missionary before he leaves for South Africa. Cool. I am like a baby sitter now. Yay

So yeah that's about all I have going on in my life. But I hope you have a wondrous week and read the scriptures. They are pretty sweet. Bye fans, family, dogs, insects, cows. 

Elder Slavens

Elder Babysitter

Elder Toadman

Mosiah 18:9 Hey read this


If anyone has a book on how to babysit a missionary, please let me know. I am scared.

My dentist Edwin Tjan told me to brush and floss every day. Look at me now Ed! I'm brushing. I really am!

  I met this girl on the street and I instantly fell in love. Nobody tell my mom. It's a secret. She is just so nice to me

Here is me and my Toad not frog. He felt so nasty to hold. It felt like grandma skin. I couldn't touch anything after or else it would be stained in grandma skin. 

We did go on a hike on P-day. Yes it was hot and my legs got tired, but it was so worth it for this picture. I mean c'mon look how cute!

When you get stalked and someone randomly send this to you. The life of a missionary. Gotta love it.

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